The Four Stages of Learning

In any kind of skill we learn we experience four stages of learning.
These are the four stages;

1. Unconsciously Incompetent- this happens when you don't know that you're incompetent at something. Think of a baby who doesn't
know how to brush his teeth, he doesn't know what brushing
is let alone how to brush. 

2.Consciously incompetent- it's when you know you're terrible
at something and for the most part feel frustrated.This is where you experience a lot of setbacks and the stage where most people quit. However don't give in to that little voice in your head telling you to give up, keep pushing forward and one day soon
you will get it right.

3.Consciously competent- in this stage of learning, you would know how to use your newly acquired skill but you still lack the competence. Imagine yourself driving for the first time, you carefully change gear, drive slow and consciously hit the breaks. Be patient with yourself, mastering the new skill is one step away.

4.Unconsciously competent- The final phase is when you exercise
your new  ability with ease.

Though learning a new skill is tough, remember that patience
is a virtue and persistence gets you further than brilliance.

Thank you for reading.
